Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Auto-Immune Connection to Parkinson's Disease

It is a growing fear for all of us...the prospect of spending the last years of our lives trapped in a body with a degenerating brain. Conditions such as parkinsons, alzheimers, and dementia are becoming more and more common and unfortunately, are touching more and more lives. The most devastating fact about these disorders is that once they are diagnosed  treatment efficacy is limited, and the disease is bound to progress. The good news is that there are red flags that doctors can use to see if a patient is at an increased risk of developing a neurodegenerative disorder.

One such marker that can be used is homocysteine. Homocysteine is a marker that gives a measure of inflammation and it has been associated with brain inflammation more specifically. Studies show that homocysteine levels above 7.0 may be associated with increased risk of these neurodegenerative disorders. This is a marker that I perform on nearly all of my patients for this very reason.

Another risk factor for developing these conditions is the presence of auto-immune disorders. It is estimated that one out of every eight Americans suffers from an auto-immune disorder. Auto-immune disorders are characterized by abnormal immune system attack against one's own tissues. Common auto-immune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, hashimoto's, grave's, sjogren's, lupus, ulcerative colitis, crohn's, celiac's disease, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia (I consider fibromyalgia an auto-immune disorder until proven otherwise). Symptoms for patients that may indicate the presence of auto-immunity are irritable bowel, migraines, chronic headaches, allergies, neuropathy, sinusitis, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, chemical sensitivities, and many others.

Auto-immunity leads to destruction of tissues within your own body and rampant inflammation throughout the body. This cascade leads to the perfect storm for developing neurodegenerative disorders. I have attached one research abstract below that re-iterates the correlation between autoimmunity and the development of parkinsons.

      Immunology, Autoimmunity, and Auto-antibodies in Parkinson's Disease.

Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2011 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Immunology, Autoimmunity, and      Autoantibodies in Parkinson's Disease.Benkler M, Agmon-Levin N, Hassin-Baer S, Cohen OS, Ortega-Hernandez OD, Levy A, Moscavitch SD, Szyper-Kravitz M, Damianovich M, Blank M, Chapman J, Shoenfeld Y. SourceFaculty of Health Sciences, Medical School, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheba, Israel. 

AbstractRecent revelations of immune alterations in Parkinson's disease have led to the convergence that an autoimmune mechanism may play a role in the etiopathogenesis of this neurodegenerative disease. In the current study, 77 Parkinson's disease patients and 77 matched healthy controls were analyzed for the presence of seven autoantibodies previously found to be associated with central nervous system manifestations namely: antineuronal-cells, anti-brain lysate, anti-dsDNA, anti-phosphatidylserine, anti-cardiolipin, anti-serotonin, and anti-melanocytes antibodies. Patients underwent systematic assessments of demographics, clinical, and biochemical manifestations. Three autoantibodies were found to be more prevalent among Parkinson's disease patients (antineuronal cells10.3% vs. 1.3%, p = 0.017; anti-brain lysate 9.1% vs. 1.3%, p = 0.032; anti-dsDNA 10.3% vs. 2.6%, p = 0.049). Clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease, particularly dyskinesia and depression, were found to be associated with the presence of these autoantibodies.

You may be asking yourself, 'What good is it to have a predictive marker if you can't change that risk factor?' The good news is that we can help to change these risk factors. By investigating what factors are driving inflammation (homocysteine/auto-immunity) we can make lifestyle interventions that will stop or reduce this immune mediated mechanism of destruction. By reducing these inflammatory reactions you will not only lower your risk for developing one of these crippling conditions, but you will also find yourself feeling much better day in and day out. 

The most important message to take away from this week's blog is that if you are struggling with any type of chronic health issue, for which you have received no relief, you need to take action now. Many times individuals make excuses for why they have different health issues, but this lack of initiative can be allowing disease to further progress in your body. If you have poor digestion, chronic pain, insomnia, neuropathy, headaches, etc. find a qualified practitioner that can help you assess your immune system and that will look at these inflammatory markers to help you discover what is really going on. 

For more information please feel free to visit my website at www.moundsviewchiro.com or contact my office at 763-398-7770 to set up a free 5 minute phone consultation that will allow me to answer your specific questions.

Thanks and God Bless!

Joshua Huffman, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., D.A.A.I.M.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Re-Balancing Your Child’s Brain: The Role of Chiropractic Neurology for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

By Dr. Joshua Huffman, D.C.

The rate of autism spectrum disorders is growing at an epidemic rate.  10 years ago autism was diagnosed in 1 out of 10,000 children.  In 2006 the National Survey of Children’s Health released by the US Department of Health and Human Services reported that the odds of a child receiving an autistic spectrum disorder diagnosis have increased to 1 out of every 91 children.  If we are talking about boys, the risk climbs to an astonishing 1 out of every 38!  Furthermore, a study released by the researchers at the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute reported that only 120% of the 700% increase could be attributed to improved diagnosis (1).  Autistic Spectrum Disorders including autism, aspergers, ADHD, ADD, and dyslexia are a true epidemic threatening our children’s futures.  It is imperative that we begin making changes to improve our children’s abilities to thrive in society.

For the last 25 years much of the research that has been performed has been looking for “the gene” that causes autism.  No such gene has been found.  There are epigenetic factors (genetic predispositions) that may make it more likely for your child to develop one of these disorders.  It is good news that this is not a “genetic” disorder because this means that there is the opportunity to change your child’s condition.  In order to successfully help these children we must have an understanding of what is at the heart of this disorder.

Practitioners of chiropractic neurology have long understood that many neurologic disorders stem from an imbalance between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.    When there is an imbalance in brain function this creates what is referred to as a “functional disconnection syndrome.”  This is an inability of the two hemispheres of the brain to communicate with each other.  Recent research is now suggesting that this is the very mechanism behind autism spectrum disorders as well.  One such study from the Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging reports “the functional connectivity, i.e. the degree of synchronization or correlation of the time series of the activation, between the various participating cortical areas was consistently lower for the autistic than the control participants (2).”  This was a comparative study using functional MRI imaging to compare activation patterns in the brain while performing certain tasks.  It confirms that there is an imbalance in activation between the different hemispheres of the brain in autistic spectrum disorders.

In autistic spectrum disorders it appears that this imbalance in brain activity stems from an underdeveloped or immature right brain.  The right brain develops first and is largely stimulated by movement patterns.  Many children who develop ASD have abnormal motor patterns while developing.  These abnormal movement patterns during the brains formative years lead to decreased activation in the right hemisphere of the brain.  For this reason developmental milestones are very important in the early detection of autistic spectrum disorders. Any variation from the normal developmental time, whether early or late should serve as a red flag of neurologic imbalance.  As areas of the right brain fail to develop they create a vicious cycle that will promote further neurological imbalance.  To understand this, we must investigate the primary functions of the right hemisphere.
The right hemisphere of the brain is largely involved in gross motor control (postural muscles), suppressing immune function, spatial awareness, non-verbal communication, and comprehension.  When you have an under-activation of the right brain you may see poor posture, poor muscle coordination, hypersensitive immune responses (allergies and asthma), an inability to interpret facial expressions, and difficulty with understanding stories.  There are many other functions of the right hemisphere, but the easiest way to understand the right brain is to think of it as the “brake pedal” of the body, and to think of the left brain as the “gas pedal”.  If you are in a room and hear a noise, or see something move out of the corner of your eye it is your right brain that allows you to stop yourself from looking at it.  If you have a thought in your head, it is your right brain that allows you to stop thinking about it when you want to.  When something upsets you and you become emotional, it is your right brain that allows you to put the brake pedal on and not act out in an inappropriate manner.  When your body is exposed to an antigen (an invader in your body), it is your right brain that limits and turns off your immune system activation at the appropriate time.

When the right brain is weak, the inability to suppress immune system activation is one of the key factors in promoting the vicious cycle I referred to earlier.  Another key feature in many children with autism spectrum disorders is that they develop multiple food and chemical sensitivities because their immune systems are hyperactive.  It may be tempting to think that an overactive immune system is a good thing, but this is far from the truth. When the immune system is repetitively activated as in the case of food allergies, it may lead to inflammation in the gut, the body, and in the brain.  In many cases we find that the immune system goes rogue, and will actually start attacking the child’s own tissues.  This is referred to as an autoimmune condition.  Once this has occurred it can lead to further brain degeneration in your child, creating even more of a functional disconnection.  I recommend that all children with autism spectrum disorders go through rigorous testing of their immune system to identify the substances that their body is reacting to.

Traditional medications used to treat children with autism spectrum disorders help to stimulate the cortex and therefore may help improve symptoms. These medications, however, will not correct the imbalance in your child’s brain.  If your child stops taking the medication the symptoms return. The goal of a chiropractic neurologist is to identify the specific areas of cortical dysfunction and to exercise these areas to restore balance to the brain. The right brain in these children is weak, but their left brain is overactive.  The goal should not be to strengthen both sides, but rather to increase the right brain while calming the left brain.  Many children with autism may exhibit speech delays. Obviously, there is a desire of the parent of any speech-impaired child to help them speak.  But in many of these cases speech therapy (primarily left brain stimulation) alone may not be the answer. The speech centers of the brain are located in the left hemisphere of the brain and therefore ST stimulates the left hemisphere more significantly.  The reason children with right brain delays express an inability to speak is that the right brain is responsible for non-verbal communication.  Non-verbal communication is the foundation for the development of speech.  If the right brain is underdeveloped it may interrupt the development of normal speech patterns. Speech therapy can be helpful to these children, but it is also imperative to actively stimulate and rehab the right hemisphere of the brain as to lay the foundation for speech development. 

Chiropractic neurology allows for a skilled practitioner to accurately rehabilitate the areas of the right brain that are underdeveloped.  Traditionally, chiropractic neurologists may use sound therapy, smell therapy, light therapy, balance therapy, spin therapy, unilateral adjustment techniques, and vibration therapy in a specialized manner to “exercise” the weak regions of the child’s brain.  For example, a child with a right brain deficiency may benefit from “bad” or “foul” smells in the right nostril.  Smell from the right nostril fires off pathways that travel to the right temporal lobe.  “Foul” smells also stimulate a withdrawal response, which is a function of the right brain.  When specific brain-based therapies are applied they allow for the two hemispheres of the brain to become balanced again.  Once this has occurred new, efficient pathways of communication between the two hemispheres can begin to form.  Research has displayed that the use of the chiropractic adjustment can be used to improve cortical (brain) function.  One such study performed by Dr. Carrick demonstrated that patients with enlarged visual blind spots due to cortical deficits were returned to normal by the use of a cervical spinal adjustment (3).  This study demonstrates that a skilled chiropractic neurologist can help re-balance abnormal brain function.

When considering therapies that may be utilized for the treatment of your child it is imperative to take into consideration a few factors. First, what are the negative side effects associated with a particular treatment for my child?  Medications may offer relief of symptoms but the side effects may change your child forever.  Brain based therapy has relatively no negative side effects. Secondly, what therapy is going to offer my child the most specific rehabilitation for his or her needs?  Chiropractic neurologists specialize in evaluating your child to identify the specific areas of his or her brain that are impaired.  Lastly, what treatment option offers the most comprehensive approach to my child’s condition?  Many chiropractic neurologists also have advanced training in functional medicine.  Finding a doctor that can work to improve both your child’s neurologic imbalance and their immune system imbalance in a coordinated manner is of utmost importance.  This comprehensive approach is rarely seen in today’s healthcare system, but may be exactly what your child needs to get their life back.

For more information please visit my website at www.twincitiesautismdoc.com.

Dr. Joshua R Huffman, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., D.A.A.I.M., practices in Mounds View, MN. He is a board certified chiropractic neurologist and has post-doctoral studies in functional medicine.  He is the author of the book, “Growing Young”.  He may be contacted by email at drhuffman@moundsviewchiro.com

(1) University of California - Davis - Health System (2009, January 11). California's Autism Increase Not Due To Better Counting, Diagnosis. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 1, 2011, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2009/01/090108095429.htm

(2) Just MA, Cherkassky VL, Keller TA, Minshew NJ. Cortical Activation and
Synchronization During Sentence Comprehension in High Functioning Autism:Evidence of Underconnectivity. Carnegie Mellon University, Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging, Department of Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA.

(3) Carrick FR. Changes in Brain Function after Manipulation of the Cervical Spine. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Oct, 1997. 20(8): 529-545

©2011 Mounds View Chiropractic, P.A.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Do as I Say, Not as I Do...

Do as I Say, Not as I Do…
“The article I've attached below by Christine S. Moyer reports that only 37% of your medical doctors received the H1N1 Vaccination, and only 60% received the flu vaccination (this was the first time they have reached this high of a percentage EVER). If these vaccinations were so vital to preventing sickness, (especially in a population that treats sick people), don’t you think your doctors would be getting the vaccination as well. Every single thing I ask patients to do in my office, I have done myself.”
                                                                        - Dr. Joshua Huffman

Flu vaccine should be condition of health professionals' employment, group says
An epidemiology organization states there is an "ethical responsibility" to prevent the spread of infection to patients.

By CHRISTINE S. MOYER, amednews staff. Posted Sept. 13, 2010. 

As physicians prepare for this year's influenza season, a major health organization is calling on health care professionals to be vaccinated as a condition of their employment.
The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America recommends that the annual seasonal flu vaccine be required for initial and continued employment of all health care employees, regardless of whether they have direct patient contact.
The mandate would apply to physicians, students, volunteers and contract workers. The only exemptions: workers with medical contraindication to the vaccine.
"It's the professional and ethical responsibility of all health care providers to prevent the spread of infections to patients," said SHEA President Neil Fishman, MD. "The influenza vaccine is the single best way to prevent the spread of [the flu]."
The organization's policy statement, issued Aug. 31, says the mandate should be implemented as part of a multifaceted flu infection control program that is clearly communicated to employees.
Only 37% of health professionals were immunized against the 2009 H1N1 virus.

The policy, in the October Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, revises the society's 2005 statement. That year, the organization strongly recommended vaccines for all health professionals but stopped short of making annual immunizations a requirement for employment.
The SHEA joins a handful of organizations with similar recommendations. The U.S. Dept. of Defense requires annual flu vaccination for health professionals who provide direct patient care in military facilities. The Infectious Diseases Society of America supports annual flu immunizations as a condition of initial and continued employment.
The American Academy of Pediatrics released a policy statement on Sept. 8 that recommends mandatory flu immunization of all health care personnel. The AAP says medical and religious exemptions can be granted. When implementing mandatory immunization, medical facilities should make vaccines free to workers and conduct question-and-answer sessions about the new rules.
The American Medical Association encourages health professionals to be vaccinated against the flu. The AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs is analyzing ethical issues raised by proposals to mandate vaccination as a condition of employment. A report is expected to be presented to the AMA House of Delegates at the Interim Meeting in November.
Dr. Fishman said few health professionals get vaccinated, despite efforts to educate them about the importance of being immunized. "That is just not acceptable," said Dr. Fishman, director of the Dept. of Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Control at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
As of mid-January, 61.9% of health professionals received the 2009-10 seasonal flu vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's April 1 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Experts say it's the first time the vaccination rate reached the Dept. of Health and Human Service's Healthy People 2010 target of 60%.
But only 37.1% of health professionals were immunized against the influenza A(H1N1) virus. The CDC said health workers were more likely to believe the seasonal flu vaccine was safe (80.9%) compared with the H1N1 vaccine (66.6%).
Concerns about vaccines
A concern about side effects is one reason health care employees decline vaccines, according to the Joint Commission. Other reasons include fear of contracting an influenza or influenza-like illness from the immunization, perceived ineffectiveness of the vaccine and a belief that the flu is not a severe disease.
Research has shown that such concerns are unfounded, said Greg Poland, MD, a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and an IDSA member.
A St. Louis health care facility achieved 98% worker immunization after making vaccination mandatory in 2008.

He supports mandating annual vaccinations for health professionals, and said they should "set aside personal preference for the greater good of the patients you're privileged to care for."
"That's the rationale behind it," Dr. Poland said.
Since 1984, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has recommended the seasonal flu vaccine for health professionals. Studies have shown that immunized workers minimize the risk of flu transmission not only to patients but also to colleagues. Vaccination also reduces absenteeism, ensuring that hospitals and practices are sufficiently staffed, the SHEA said.
In 2004, the Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle became the nation's first health care system to require its staff to be immunized, according to the SHEA. Since the initiative started, the center's vaccine rate among more than 5,000 employees and adjunct personnel is about 98%.
Other health care facilities have reported similar success with mandates. For example, BJC HealthCare in the St. Louis area achieved 98% immunization among its more than 26,000 employees after making vaccination mandatory in 2008.
As the 2010-11 seasonal influenza vaccines begin arriving, Dr. Fishman is urging health professionals to consider the facts before turning down the vaccine.
"It really is a core patient safety measure. There's very good evidence now that influenza vaccination of health care professionals decreases patient mortality," he said.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The War on Cancer

"1 out of every 2 males and females will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime."
                                                                              - The National Cancer Institute

In 1971 President Nixon declared "the war on cancer." Since that time cancer rates have continued to increase. It is now estimated that 1 out every 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Is that as alarming of a statistic to you as it was to me? We all know or will know people in our lives that have been diagnosed with cancer. Only about 5% of all diagnosed cancers can be attributed to genetics. What does this mean to us? This means cancer is a disease driven by environment. In order to optimize your body's ability to fight cancer, you have to optimize the environment your body is in. My goal today, is in no way to discourage you from the conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. I am not an oncologist and I don't treat cancer. My goal today is however to get you to start thinking about pro-active methods you can take to help improve your immune systems ability to fight cancer!

The number one thing any person can due to aid their body's ability to fight cancer is to change their diet.  One of the primary reasons food matters so much when it comes to cancer, is that many of today's foods are laden with environmental toxins. If your immune system is already in a stressed state the last thing you want to do is add more toxins into the body. Simple steps that can be taken to avoid toxins are to buy organic produce, grass fed beef, free range chicken, etc. Don't buy all the processed garbage with a bunch of words on the ingredient label that you can't even pronounce. Always make sure to clean produce thoroughly before consumption. The method of preparation matters as well. If you enjoy grilling meats make sure that you do not burn the meat. Eating burned meat increases the amount of carcinogens you are consuming.

You may have heard the saying that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline state. What this references is the idea that cancer needs an acidic environment to thrive. There are many companies and products that claim to help alkalize the body and reduce the potential for cancer. I could go into extensive detail here, but for the sake of keeping things simple let's put it this way. The best way for a person to alkalize their tissues is to eat a diet high in... vegetables and fruits!

And lastly for today, reduce sugar intake! This is crucial. The American Diet is saturated with all sorts of sugar. Glucose (sugar) and glutamine are the two primary fuels that cancer cells use to grow. Eating sugar rich foods, candy, and even simple carbohydrates (pastas, rice, bread) can be strengthening the hold cancer has on your body.

This is a very brief synopsis of steps that can be taken in the fight against cancer. In upcoming weeks I will delve into more specific detail. At this time it is my encouragement to you that if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer that you/they work with an oncologist, but also find a qualified professional that can help to provide supportive and adjunctive nutritional support in addition to the traditional approaches.

If you have any questions for me or would like to schedule a consultation my office can be reached at 763-398-7770.

God Bless,
Dr. Joshua Huffman
Board Certified in Chiropractic Neurology and Integrative Medicine

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Best Indicator of Your Future is Your Past

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

                                                                                                 -Albert Einstein

Hey everyone. Dr. Huffman here. This weeks post is going to be short and sweet. It was my daughter's fifth birthday today so we have been busy celebrating it. I don't think there is anything more precious than the time spent with your loved ones. Unfortunately most of the patients that come into my office are literally having the time that could be spent with their families and loved ones ripped away from them by sickness and suffering. One of the statements I find myself repeating multiple times throughout each day to different patients is that "the best indicator of your future is your past." 

Most of the patients that come to office have been sick for years. They have tried all types of conventional treatment and all different types of alternative treatment. Many have been to the mecca of the health care world (Mayo), but they continue to suffer. I can't say it any more clearly than this: If you are sick and you find yourself looking for that magical cure, that single pill, that special supplement that will rid you of your illness, all you will actually find is continued disappointment. The reason you are where you are in your current state of health is a reflection of the decisions you have made in life to this point. I don't mean to imply that your illness is your fault, but I do mean to say that you have to start doing something different if you are ever going to get a different outcome. 

In my office I never look for a single problem to "treat". My goal is to look at the whole person, to take as comprehensive of an approach as possible, and identify all the contributing factors to each patients illness. Chronic disease is ALWAYS a web of dysfunction that has to be unraveled in layers. If you want to be freed of your chronic pain, your chronic fatigue, your irritable bowel, your obesity, you are going to have to change the way you are living. If you want to change the outlook of your future you must change what you are doing. I can't promise you that my care is the easiest option or the cheapest. But I can promise you that I will dig as deep as I need to dig to get you the answers you need to change the direction that your health is moving. My office can be reached at 763-398-7770 and I can be reached by email at drhuffman@moundsviewchiro.com.
God Bless,
Joshua Huffman, DC, DACNB, DAAIM
Board Certified in Chiropractic Neurology and Integrative Medicine

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why Do I Feel Sick but My Labs Are "Normal"?

Have you asked yourself this question..."Why does my doctor keep telling me my lab tests are normal...but I feel horrible?"
The answer to that question may be more obvious then you think. The truth of the matter is that our medical system is based on a disease model meaning that when you see your physician the primary objective is to discover if you have an active disease process. The question of how you may be able to improve your health is never really the focus. It is vital to understand that your body does not know that the difference between having diabetes and not having diabetes is whether you fasting blood sugar is above or below 126. We have an arbitrary set of numbers that classifies whether you have disease or not. I can assure you that if your fasting blood sugar is at 110 you will not be feeling as "optimal" as you would at 95. Before I get too far into this, let's go back to how these lab ranges are established (from here on out I will refer to lab ranges as "sick ranges").

Lab ranges are based off of a bell curve of everyone that goes in to have blood work done. Think about this for a minute. The majority of people that go into a lab for testing are sick! So, they are comparing your lab results to those who are SICK!!! This is what makes me different, I use what is called a functional range when it comes to looking at your blood work. A functional, or healthy, range is the optimal range your body should be in. Once you go outside of this range, you are or will become sick!

In the above picture, you will see where there is a functional range, with a green edge around it. Then you will see the red (sick) range. Your doctors are only concerned with your lab values if you are in their RED/SICK range. This red range is where you have to be to be diagnosed with a disease. If you are in the the functional range (in the green shaded area), you are probably experiencing symptoms but your doctor is not concerned yet. Not until you are in their SICK range! See how that works?

In the above picture you will notice a patient's lab results when compared with the SICK (Lab) range and the HEALTHY (Functional) range.

So, if your glucose (blood sugar) was measured at 73, your doctor would not be concerned. However, with a fasting blood glucose of 73 you could be feeling tired, fatigued, light headed when standing up, and getting headaches between meals. You might notice that you feel better after you eat a meal. This would be considered reactive hypoglycemia.

If your TSH is measured at 4.2, your doctor will tell you it is within the "normal" range. However, you could be experiencing symptoms of fatigue, depression, lack of motivation and weight gain. If you look at the functional (healthy) range, you will see your TSH is well outside our optimal range. You are suffering from functional hypothyroidism.

You should be seeing a pattern by now. If you are not looking at your lab results from a functional perspective, you might be missing some big pieces of your puzzle! This is why when you come into my office we will evaluate all of your results using both the lab range model and the functional range model. I don't just care about what areas of your body are already diseased. I want to promote optimal health in all the areas of your body. This allows for your body to operate like a well oiled machine, and in my opinion is the only way to begin unwinding chronic health conditions.

As always if you would like to receive more information about my office and the care that we offer you can reach us at 763-398-7770 or by email at drhuffman@moundsviewchiro.com.

Sincerely in Health,

Dr. Joshua Huffman
Board Certified in Chiropractic Neurology and Integrative Medicine

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Truth Behind Thyroid Disease

20 million Americans are affected by thyroid disorders…..that’s 1 in 13 people! And more than half of those people are unaware they have a thyroid problem because it frequently goes undiagnosed…until it gets severe.

According to the National Women’s Health Information Center, 1 in 8 women will experience a thyroid disorder during their lifetime. Unfortunately, most men and women who suffer from a thyroid disorder are unaware of what they are dealing with. In spite of being placed on thyroid hormone replacement, their symptoms remain and actually continue to worsen.
  • Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor only to play “Russian Roulette” with different medications? “Here try this drug, that one didn’t work? Try this one!”
  • Are you tired of taking drugs that don’t fix the problem?
  • Do you continue to struggle with chronic thyroid symptoms day in and day out?
Today I want to spend some time sharing with you some of the key principles that every thyroid sufferer must identify to get real answers on how they can support this degenerative condition.

Following are lists of the most common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism...

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
#1: Fatigue, tired, or sluggish?
#2: Cold feet and/or hands?
#3: Do you require excessive amounts of sleep to function?
#4: Do you gain weight easily?
#5: Do you have difficult or infrequent bowel movements?
#6: Are you depressed? Do you suffer from depression?
#7: Lack of motivation?
#8: Do you suffer from morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses?
#9: Do you suffer from thinning hair or excessive hair falling out?
#10: Do you suffer from dryness of the skin and/or scalp?
#11: Do you suffer from mental sluggishness?

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism#1: Do you suffer from heart palpitations?
#2: Do you suffer from inward trembling?
#3: Do you have an increased pulse even at rest?
#4: Are you nervous and emotional?
#5: Do you suffer from insomnia?
#6: Do you suffer from night sweats?
#7: Do you have difficulty gaining weight?

The most common cause of thyroid disorders in America is a condition called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.  Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system begins to attack your thyroid. Patient’s that suffer from Hashimoto’s may experience a combination of both hypo and hyper-thyroid symptoms.

Let’s talk about the thyroid gland a bit…..
The thyroid "runs" your metabolism—it is the “gas pedal” of your body.
Thyroid hormones have direct effects on most organs, including the heart, which beats faster and harder under the influence of increased thyroid hormones (this is why heart problems can often accompany chronic thyroid problems in women, and perhaps why heart problems are more common in women under the age of 50).

Most likely if you are a diagnosed thyroid patient you are familiar with TSH. TSH is the hormone that is released by the pituitary gland and tells the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones. If your TSH is elevated you are diagnosed hypothyroid which means you are producing too little thyroid hormone. If your TSH is very low you will be diagnosed hyperthyroid. This is not enough information to tell you where the problems with your thyroid really are stemming from.

T3 is the more biologically active hormone (it’s more important for cellular function) released by the thyroid, and in fact, most of T4 (80%) is converted into T3 in the body’s peripheral tissues. So T4 is just a precursor for the more active hormone, T3.

One of the problems in some thyroid disorders is that you may have trouble converting T4 to T3 in your tissues (have you been checked for this?). This can create a deficiency of T3, disrupting the body’s ability to properly regulate metabolism…leading to fatigue, weight gain, depression, and many other symptoms. This is just one example where a breakdown in the system completely unrelated to the actual thyroid gland could be causing hypothyroidism. 

So what can I do differently for you in order to get you answers for why you have thyroid symptoms but your lab testing (TSH) has always been normal, or for why you are already on thyroid hormones but are still suffering from symptoms?

The Answer is that I Start with Comprehensive Laboratory Testing!

You must understand that there is no cookie cutter approach to helping a patient with a thyroid disorder. Every individual has their own unique contributing factors that are driving their thyroid dysfunction. Let me explain how I can help you identify the specific areas that need to be supported in your case.

I: Sensitivity Testing: We must determine if you have a sensitivity to gluten (wheat, rye, oats, and barley), milk, eggs, yeast, and soy.  If you are sensitive to ANY of these food groups, it could be making you’re your thyroid condition worse as it will increase inflammation in your brain (which is responsible for TSH release) and throughout your body!
Here are some of the symptoms of these sensitivities:
-Chronic pain or fatigue
-Frequent indigestion
-Bloated after eating-Frequent loose bowel movements
-Mouth ulcers or sores
-Vomit often 
The only way to find out of you are suffering from any of these sensitivities is the run the test. 

II. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
 By using specific blood tests such as:
#1: A Comprehensive Thyroid Panel
#2: A Lipid Panel
#3: A CBC (complete blood chemistry with auto-differential)
#4: Inflammatory Markers
Through the metabolic panel we can assess your adrenal glands, liver, kidneys, red/white blood cells and gut functionAll of the above can be affected with chronic health conditions.  By addressing any problems with your adrenal glands, blood chemistry, or gut function, we can help you to heal faster.  The CMP also allows us to check your blood sugar stability and assess for any type of underlying anemia. This is vitally important since glucose (your blood sugar) and oxygen (anemia starves your body of this)  are the two key nutrients for every cell in your body to function especially the brain.

Why is a comprehensive thyroid panel necessary? Why isn't your TSH level enough? Your TSH tells you if you are hypo or hyperthyroid but it gives us no insight into where your thyroid problem is coming from. Being hypothyroid does not necessarily mean your problem is starting in the thyroid gland. For example you could have a problem in the pituitary gland causing you to be hypothyroid. As I mentioned previously, you could have a problem in the liver or the gut that is blocking your ability to convert T4 to T3 and is causing your hypothyroid symptoms. When we run a comprehensive thyroid panel we will be able to better support you.

Here are a list of the thyroid markers I will want to see:
·       Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): the messenger sent from the pituitary gland in the brain to the thyroid calling for thyroid hormone (T4 and T3 production).
·       Free T3: an important hormone produced by the thyroid gland, considered to be the more biologically active hormone of the thyroid.
·       Free T4: another important hormone produced by the thyroid gland. This will eventually be converted into T3 in the liver and the GI tract.
·       Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG): This test measures the amount of proteins in the blood that transport thyroid hormones to the cells.  Elevated testosterone can lower TBG levels and elevated estrogen can raise TBG levels.  Both can produce hypothyroid symptoms. 
·       Thyroid Antibodies (TGB & TPO): checked in suspected cases of autoimmune thyroid disorders such as hashimoto's disease (see below).
·       Total T4: this is a reflection of how much total T4 hormone there is in the blood. 
·       Free Thyroxine Index (FTI): this is an estimate of how much thyroxine is in the blood. 
·       Resin T3 Uptake: this test measures the unsaturated binding sites on the thyroid proteins. 

III: Adrenal Stress Index (ASI) :
We test the adrenal glands with a test called an Adrenal Stress Index.  This is a salivary test much like DNA testing.  The adrenal glands sit right above the kidneys and they are your “stress” organs meaning that they react to stress.  If you have been or are currently under stress, this test is a must! The adrenals have a direct relationship with the thyroid and the pituitary gland. These little organs can be the reason you suffer from weight gain, chronic fatigue, insomnia, hormonal imbalances and brain fog.

You could be suffering from an auto immune condition.  An autoimmune thyroid is called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Your immune system could be attacking your thyroid.  This is why the immune panels are so important and NOT just the TPO and TGB thyroid antibodies.
There are three parts to the immune system, TH1, TH2 and the TH3 systems. The TH3 system is responsible for balancing the TH1 and TH2 system. But when your immune system becomes overworked your TH3 system can crash. When this occurs your TH1 or your TH2 system can go into overdrive. This imbalance that is formed between these two sides of your immune system will lead to your immune system attacking you!
IL- 2 and TNF-alpha = TH1
The TH1 system is T-cells.  T-cells are the army that attacks and cleans up afterword. (Helper T-cells, Suppressor T-cells, NKC, regulatory T-cells, and macrophages.
IL-4 and IL-10 = TH2
The TH2 system is B-cells.  B-cells make anti-bodies.  They tell T-cells what to kill.  If the testing comes back with a high B-cell count, the patient is TH2 dominant.
If you are Auto-immune we must determine if there is an active antigen or  immune dysregulation.
Active antigens are parasites, bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast, fungi, protozoan, foods, chemicals, and heavy metals that are driving your immune system to attack.
The best indicator for an active antigen as the cause of the imbalance in your immune system is the “Helper/Suppresor” ratio on the T & B cell panel. (also called “CD4:CD8” ratio).
The closer to 2.5 the ratio is (or if above that), the more likely it is that you’re dealing with an antigen.
If the ratio is below 1.2, then you are most likely dealing with a dysregulation problem.

V. Intestinal Permeability:  This is a very specialized blood test used to determine if you suffer from leaky gut syndrome (LGS). This test checks to see if there is damage to the tight junctions in your gut.
LGS or Leaky gut syndrome describes a condition of altered or damaged bowel lining, caused by antibiotics, toxins, poor diet, parasites or infection. These inflammatory reactions can lead to increased permeability of the gut wall to toxins, microbes, undigested food, waste or larger than normal macromolecules. Once your gut lining has become damaged it can lead to loss of immune tolerance. This makes your more susceptible to infections, food intolerances, and auto-immune attacks.

VI. Gut Ecology Profile: Your gut health is vitally important to your immune system and your thyroid. This test allows for us to evaluate the balance between the good bacteria that should be in your gut and the pathogenic (bad) bacteria that should not be in your gut. Imbalances in the levels of these bacteria can alter your body's ability to make T3, your active thyroid hormone. With this test we can also check to see if you have any parasites, yeast, or fungi in your digestive tract that could be wreaking havoc on your immune system.

VII. Hormone Panels:  We can check hormone panels to determine if the patient suffers from low testosterone in males or low estrogen/progesterone levels in females. Symptoms related to decreased hormone levels may include depression, fatigue, mental fogginess, mood swings, hot flashes, sweating attacks, weight gain, and decreased physical stamina. Understand that it is crucial to evaluate the adrenals prior to doing any type of hormone replacement.

VIII. Heavy Metal Testing: In some individuals it is necessary to determine if they have high levels of toxic metals in their tissues. Heavy metal exposure can throw a person into an auto-immune disease, and if so must be dealt with.

In closing here is a testimonial from one of my patients:
"Prior to starting this program with Dr. Huffman, I had problems with chronic fatigue, constipation, irritable bowel  syndrome, headaches, brain fog, memory problems, sleep problems and general pain for quite a few years.  Medical doctors had diagnosed me with hypo-thyroid condition about fourteen ago and was given a prescription for synthroid medication. 
I had seen a few different medical doctors complaining that I still did not feel well  and that something else was wrong, the usual laboratory test were done by these doctors.  I had even gone through the Mayo Clinic in Rochester about ten years ago, seeing different doctors over a three day period, but all their tests did not find any other problem.
I felt the medical doctors labeled me as a hypochondriac because of my chronic fatigue problem, so I stopped complaining to the medical community and decided to read books and try to diagnose and treat myself.
I tried different supplements and diets over the years but my problems persisted and gradually seemed to be getting worse. 
Fortunately, I saw Dr. Huffman’s advertisement in the newspaper for people diagnosed with thyroid disorder that are still experiencing fatigue.
I called and attended one of Dr. Huffman’s seminars on thyroid disorders and it didn’t take long to realize I had possibly found help for my chronic fatigue problem along with the other symptoms I was experiencing.
I’ve been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and I’ve been on a nutritional and dietary program prescribed by Dr. Huffman for me based on my needs.  I’ve also been receiving neurological treatment with Dr. Huffman and have had a GREAT improvement in how I feel and think.  I’m finally getting my life back.
I am so grateful to Dr. Huffman and staff for all the wonderful help and support they have all given." - Mary H.
It is my hope that the information shared with you above may help give you a better understanding of some of the additional factors that should be looked into if you are suffering from thyroid symptoms. If you have questions please feel free to email me at drhuffman@moundsviewchiro.com or call my office (763-398-7770) to set up a FREE 5 minute phone consultation with me. 

God Bless,
Dr. Joshua Huffman
Board Certified in Chiropractic Neurology and Integrative Medicine

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss

"Since coming to see Dr. Josh my blood sugar has been quite normal. When I first came in my blood sugar was above 180 (anything above 126 is considered diabetic), now it has been ranging between 100-110 and has been staying fairly consistent in that range. I have had alot of weight loss.  Three months ago I was at 277 pounds and now I stepped on the scale this morning at 203 pounds (74 pounds of weight loss!) so I'm losing significant weight which I am very happy about. Thanks so much Dr. Josh."                                
                                                                                                                            -Lee H.

This was the actual testimony of one patient that presented to my office with a myriad of different health concerns. Most people have tried one or multiple different diet types. Some have been unsuccessful, and some are successful but the weight returns when the diet ends. Why is this? It is because many of the fad diets in America fail to address the key factors as to why we have gained the weight in the first place. Today I am going to share three key considerations with you on how you can maximize your body's ability to maintain a healthy weight.

#1) Stabilize Blood Sugar

Just because you have not been diagnosed with diabetes does not mean that you don't have to understand what blood sugar stability means. There are two common types of blood sugar issues that most Americans fall into.

You have the insulin resistant and diabetic patients. Two of the primary symptoms of falling into this category are fatigue after meals and cravings for sugar after meals. Insulin resistance is a condition where your cells become resistant to insulin. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas in order to clear sugar that has accumulated in your blood (from the foods that you eat), and move it into the cell where it can be used for energy. The problem is that if you eat foods that are rich in sugar or are simple carbohydrates your blood sugars will routinely elevate and you will get frequent insulin surges and your cells stop responding to the insulin. This results in elevated levels of sugar in the blood which is toxic to nerve and brain health.

The second form of dys-glycemia is hypoglycemia or reactive hypoglycemia. This is a condition where your blood sugars drop too low between meals. This is traditionally characterized by symptoms that are relieved by eating a meal. Some symptoms that are common with hypoglycemia include irritability, shaking, and headaches between meals. When your blood sugar falls too low you need release of cortisol in order to elevate your blood sugar again.

If your blood sugar drops or elevates because of the above conditions you will have shifts in your cortisol production which directly effects your ability to burn fat. This brings us to our next key factor.

#2) Support Adrenal Health

When your blood sugar is not well maintained or you are under chronic stress your adrenals must produce cortisol to help your body adapt. Increased levels of cortisol slow your body's ability to burn fat and will actually increase fat storage. So if you do not regulate your blood sugar and support your adrenal glands you are fighting an uphill battle. This is why many individuals fail to lose weight even when they are restricting calories and exercising vigorously. Understand that exercise is a stress on the body, and for certain individuals with adrenal dysfunction it may hinder there ability to lose weight for a time. Weight loss is not a simple measure of calories in versus calories out as we often think of it. Weight loss is about maximizing your body's ability to maintain a healthy weight. Individuals who have poor adrenal function should only exercise within their aerobic capacity. To do this one needs to purchase a heart rate monitor and wear it. A basic rule of thumb to calculate your aerobic capacity is to take 180-your age. This gives you the top of your aerobic range. Then subtract 20 and that will give you the bottom of your target range. When you exercise it is important to stay within this range, while your adrenals are still unhealthy.

#3) Discover Food Intolerances

Foods that we eat today are not the same foods that God designed and put on this earth for us. These foods are highly processed and altered by men. Unfortunately, the processing of these foods often hinders the nutritional value of the foods, as well as making them downright toxic to our bodies. Some of the most common food intolerances I see in my office are gluten, dairy, soy, egg, coffee, and yeast. If you are intolerant to any of these foods every time you eat the food you are going to have an increased cortisol surge because of the stress it places on the adrenals. This will lead to increased fat storage and increased cytokine production which may in turn lead to the development of more food intolerances. This becomes a vicious cycle that can be a major block in your ability to maintain a healthy weight. Remember from my earlier post on food intolerances, that these intolerances do not produce an immediate reaction. Just because you feel okay a half hour after eating any of the above foods does not mean that you are in the clear. Your reaction to these foods could be a headache, a gut ache, dizziness, weight gain, and it could occur any time within a 72 hour window after exposure. The only sure way to know is to get tested by a doctor that performs IgA and IgG allergy testing.

This has just been a brief overview of a few of the key things I look at for patients who want to lose weight. Don't fall for the fad diets that offer a simple fix and big results. My encouragement to you is that weight loss can be easy if you take the time to look at what systems in your body are not working efficiently and help to unwind that process. If you have questions feel free to contact my office at 763-398-7770 or email me directly at drhuffman@moundsviewchiro.com. Thanks and please share this blog with anyone you think it may help. God Bless!

Dr. Joshua Huffman
Board Certified in Chiropractic Neurology and Integrative Medicine