Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Best Indicator of Your Future is Your Past

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

                                                                                                 -Albert Einstein

Hey everyone. Dr. Huffman here. This weeks post is going to be short and sweet. It was my daughter's fifth birthday today so we have been busy celebrating it. I don't think there is anything more precious than the time spent with your loved ones. Unfortunately most of the patients that come into my office are literally having the time that could be spent with their families and loved ones ripped away from them by sickness and suffering. One of the statements I find myself repeating multiple times throughout each day to different patients is that "the best indicator of your future is your past." 

Most of the patients that come to office have been sick for years. They have tried all types of conventional treatment and all different types of alternative treatment. Many have been to the mecca of the health care world (Mayo), but they continue to suffer. I can't say it any more clearly than this: If you are sick and you find yourself looking for that magical cure, that single pill, that special supplement that will rid you of your illness, all you will actually find is continued disappointment. The reason you are where you are in your current state of health is a reflection of the decisions you have made in life to this point. I don't mean to imply that your illness is your fault, but I do mean to say that you have to start doing something different if you are ever going to get a different outcome. 

In my office I never look for a single problem to "treat". My goal is to look at the whole person, to take as comprehensive of an approach as possible, and identify all the contributing factors to each patients illness. Chronic disease is ALWAYS a web of dysfunction that has to be unraveled in layers. If you want to be freed of your chronic pain, your chronic fatigue, your irritable bowel, your obesity, you are going to have to change the way you are living. If you want to change the outlook of your future you must change what you are doing. I can't promise you that my care is the easiest option or the cheapest. But I can promise you that I will dig as deep as I need to dig to get you the answers you need to change the direction that your health is moving. My office can be reached at 763-398-7770 and I can be reached by email at drhuffman@moundsviewchiro.com.
God Bless,
Joshua Huffman, DC, DACNB, DAAIM
Board Certified in Chiropractic Neurology and Integrative Medicine

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